Invitro evaluation of silver nanoparticle of asparagus racemosus for it’s anti diabetic activity
Asparagus racemosus, subtropical zones, immune stimulant, mental functionsAbstract
Asparagus racemosus is an important medicinal plant that is found in tropical and subtropical zones in India belonging to the family Lilliacea. Its medicinal usage has been reported in the Indian and British Pharmacopoeias and in traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha. The dried root extract is used as a drug. Asparagus racemosus has been described to use as an antioxidant, antidyspepsia, antitussive, immune stimulant. Also used in the treatment of kidney disorder, chronic fever, liver cancer, stomach ulcer, increase milk secretion, and epilepsy. The major active constituents of Asparagus racemosus are steroidal saponins, isoflavones, polysaccharides, racemose, asparagamine, vitamins, mucilage, and folic acid. It is a commonly known Ayurvedic preparation useful to prevent aging, increase longevity, impart immunity and improve mental functions.
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